What are the main characteristics of original Iranian Saffron?
The market of Saffron is huge and there are plenty of Saffron types in Iran’s market.
So how can we realize that the saffron we are going to purchase is original or fake?
Here I will tell you 4 different characteristics of original Saffron:
Low coloring speed:
If you put the original saffron strands in warm water, they should not turn orange quickly. Saffron first has a soft yellow color and then after a few minutes it becomes bolder and orange.
Saffron shouldn’t be oily:
If you slice and squeeze the original saffron between a piece of paper, it should not leave a oily stain on the paper, and if the oil comes from saffron, it means that oil has been added to make it heavier. Another of the saffron cheats is that some bad merchants add dried and bearded beef to the saffron strands. This method of testing can also prevent this fraud.
Bitter tastes of Saffron:
Take one or two strands of Saffron and bite them between your front teeth. If the taste is bitter, that means the saffron is original. If it tastes salty or sweet, that means they have sprayed soda, sugar or salt to the saffron.
The head of saffron is horn-shaped:
If you look at a strand of Saffron, it should not be like a bar. Take a close look at an original saffron, it is horn-shaped and if not, it is a fraud.
To ensure the originality and purity of saffron, get it directly from the farmers. Contact us.